The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
North DeSoto Upper Elementary
The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
Thurs., Sept. 5 - Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kickoff
Fri., Sept. 6 - Concessions begin
Thurs., Sept 12 - Math Parent Night 6-7:30p (childcare provided)
Wed., Sept 18 - Fall Picture Day
Fri., Sept. 20 - Cookie Dough Fundraiser Ends
Thurs., Sept 26 - SS/SCI Parent Night 6-7:30p (childcare provided)
Mon-Fri., Oct 7-11 - Fall Break
TOMORROW, Thursday, Sept. 5, NDUE will kick off our annual Fall Fundraiser. This year, our fundraiser will be online only. You will receive information and instructions on how to participate. Our school wide goal is 3000 items! There are some fun rewards for selling the most items. We hope you will all participate and help us reach our goal.
Thank you to all who participated in ELA Parent Night. We had 115 families in attendance. We would really love your feedback. Please scan the QR code and fill out the feedback form. Mark your calendars and plan to be at Math Parent Night on Thursday, Sept. 12 from 6-7:30p.
NDUE Fall Picture Day is Wednesday, Sept. 18. All students will be photographed for the yearbook. Students may wear regular clothes that align with the DPSB dress code. Picture order forms will be sent home in Monday folders on Monday, Sept. 16. You can pre-order pictures by going to and using picture ID: EVTD8RQ4V. Ordering online allows you to access exclusive discounts.
Student medication at school should be handled by parents and the school nurse ONLY. Students are not allowed to bring medication of any kind to school.
All NDUE students will receive letter grades this school year. Your student should have at least 1 new graded assignment posted per week. Daily grades are weighted at 25% and Tests are 75% of their overall grade.
This summer, new guidance from the state adjusted all public school grading to a 10 point grading scale. Achievement levels such as Advanced, Mastery, Basic, Approaching Basic, and Unsatisfactory can be equated to letter grades. The goal for grade level work is Mastery. A Mastery level performance in the classroom would be in the A/B range.
At NDUE, we reward students for achieving their personal goals on Tests rather than focusing on the letter grade. We ask that parents do the same. All students develop different skills at different rates and it is important that we celebrate their growth. Reaching your PERSONAL goal is the most important thing to encourage at home. Students’ academic goals are set from previous school year data such as DIBELS data, Diagnostic Screeners, previous performance, and LEAP results, We have not officially set these goals with students yet due to working through our beginning of year screeners but we will have those in place by our first Proficency Test.
Stay connected to our school and all things DeSoto Parish by downloading the DPSB app. There is also a toggle button at the bottom to connect to Rooms.
We need your help to reach our FLUENCY goals this school year. Weekly homework packets will be sent home on Mondays. This work will support fluency in students' core subject areas. Although there is no penalty for students who do not complete homework, we will be rewarding and tracking homework completion this year. We strongly recommend students spend no more than 20 minutes or 5 minutes per subject per night 3 nights per week on homework. Zearn, Myon, and math fluency practice are all supporting activities available to students and are great additional ways to support fluency.
At NDUE, we reward our students for reaching their personal goals. Each child has individual goals for AR, Zearn, and DOJO. There are many incentives tied to each goal.
AR: Students take the STAR test which sets their AR goal and book checkout range for the semester. Students are each given a personalized goal. Students that reach their goal 3 out of 4 of the 9 weeks will attend the AR celebration at Altitude in May. Word count prizes are given during the morning assembly and vary by grade level. Students who achieve their AR goals all four 9 weeks will also attend BOOK BINGO. Million Word (4th & 5th), ¾ Million Word (3rd), and ½ Million Word (2nd) club members get to go on a special field trip to Raising Canes.
ZEARN: Students have a personal goal of 2 lessons per week. For every 12 lessons completed, a student earns a GLOW bracelet. When students reach the 50,75,100, and 125 lesson mark, they will be honored in the morning assembly and will receive a special GLOW prize. Students who meet their Zearn goal three of the four 9 weeks will attend our GLOW Party in May.
DOJO: Students with 85% positive DOJO and NO referrals will attend the incentive club of their choice and will be allowed to wear free dress on this day. Students who achieve 95% positive DOJO for the year and NO referrals will attend our DOJO celebration at Hot Wheels Skating Palace in May.
Facebook: Follow our page: North DeSoto Upper Elementary