The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
North DeSoto Upper Elementary
The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
Mon., Feb. 10-Fri., Feb. 14 ~ "YOU MATTER" week
Fri., Feb. 14 - Valentine’s Day - Students may wear a Valentine’s shirt with jeans or uniform bottom
Fri., Feb. 14 - PTO Pizza Day
Fri., Feb. 14 - Incentive Club Day
Mon., Feb. 17 - Fri., Feb. 21 ~ Winter Break
Mon., Feb. 24 - SPT Conference Day ~ No School for students
Thurs., Feb. 27 - 2nd grade Paleontology Day
Tues., Mar. 4 - Mardi Gras Parade (9:30) date change
Mon., Mar. 24 - Spring Pictures - date change
Artwork by Hadley Ramos, 3rd grade
Monday: "Self-Care Day" – Encourage students to reflect on healthy habits like mindfulness, exercise and sleep.
Tuesday: "Kindness Counts" – Promote random acts of kindness, writing anonymous notes to friends, teachers, or staff, sharing affirmations like "You matter."
Wednesday: FCA
Thursday: “You Matter Day”- Video shared about why everyone matters. Supporting Habit # 5 Seek First to Understand Then Be Understood
Friday: "Gratitude Day"- Students write down things they are grateful for, promoting positivity and self-reflection.
NDUE is selling Spirit Blankets!! Students may purchase a blanket in the concession stand before school between 7:15-7:50am. The blankets are $35 each ~ CASH ONLY! They are 60x70 in size. Parents wishing to purchase a blanket may do so in the office during the school day. Students will not be allowed to leave class to purchase a blanket. All proceeds will be used to fund incentives for students. Limited supply ~ First come first serve. Don’t miss out on the softest blanket you will ever own.
Our holiday shirts and ND blankets are taking the place of our spring fundraiser. We will not have a BIG spring fundraiser this year as we have done in the past. All proceeds from these two fundraisers will go towards incentives for students.
Valentine's Day deliveries will NOT be accepted.
Lunch deliveries from businesses (such as Pizza Hut or DoorDash) will NOT be accepted.
Parents, eating lunch with their student, may bring food from outside. Canned or bottled drinks, cupcakes or outside desserts and cell phones are NOT allowed in the cafeteria.
Birthday snacks (such as cupcakes, cookies, donuts, etc.) are accepted and must be brought to the office. Snacks should be store bought, individual treats and easy to pass out at the end of the day. Please do NOT send cakes or cookie cakes.
Students with perfect attendance for the 2nd semester will be entered into a drawing to win an electric scooter. Come to school every minute of every day from Jan. 8 until the end of the year and your name will be in the drawing for the scooter.
Please mark your calendars with the following date changes:
Spring Picture Day ~ Monday, March 24 (previously scheduled for Feb. 6)
Mardi Gras Parade ~ Tuesday, March 4 @ 9:30a (previously scheduled for Feb. 28)
Students who purchase the ND Valentine shirt online may wear jeans every Monday and Friday in the month of February. Shirts are available online only. Please scan the QR code for purchase.
You just can't hide that Griffin Pride.
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