The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
North DeSoto Upper Elementary
The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
March 10-14 - Gingerbread House-Knowledge is Power Presentation. (During library time, opt-out forms in the office)
Fri., Mar. 14 - Incentive Club
Mon., Mar. 17 St. Patrick’s Day - Students may wear a green shirt with a uniform bottom
5th grade Waller/Severin/Johnson NDHS Play - Alice in Wonderland
Thurs., Mar. 20 - 4th & 5th grade NDHS Play - Alice in Wonderland
Fri., Mar. 21 - 2nd & 3rd grade NDHS Play - Alice in Wonderland
Mon., Mar. 24 - Spring Pictures
Thurs., Mar. 27 - Griffin 5K
Fri., Mar. 28 - Leadership Day
March 31- April 4 - Spring Break
Please do not park in the car line until 2:00pm which is after 2nd grade recess ends. The proximity of cars to our playground area poses a safety concern.
The North Desoto High School Players will present Alice in Wonderland to our students during the week of March 17-21. A donation of $6.00 to support the NDHS theatre department is greatly appreciated. Please turn your money into your homeroom teacher.
Join us in celebrating Leadership Day at NDUE on Friday, March 28th.
9:00-9:15 - Check-In & refreshments (guests go straight to the gym)
9:15-9:45 - Leadership Showcase in the Gym (only students with a speaking part participate in this program)
9:45-10:45 - Classroom Visits
Students will teach classroom guests about the 7 habits and showcase their leadership skills.
Due to classroom spacing, only 1 guest per child will be allowed to participate in our classroom activities.
10:00-10:45 - School Tours for Community Leaders (guests of students on or leading the tour may also attend)
10:45-11:00 - Closing Remarks
Students do not attend the program with guests. Teachers have planned a day full of activities for your students to celebrate their leadership. Please do not check your student out on this day.
All students will have a piece of art on display in our NDUE Art Show, which will take place on Leadership Day, March 28th. Please come see all the amazing things our students have created in Art.
The Gingerbread House, a Nationally Accredited Children’s Advocacy Center, is a non-profit agency that has been assisting law enforcement and child protective services in the investigation of child abuse cases for the past 25 years. The Gingerbread House serves nine parishes in Northwest Louisiana, including DeSoto. If armed with the knowledge to use their voice, children can often help stop the abuser in his/her tracks and tell another trusted adult about what occurred. Our goal is to reduce the number of child abuse victims in Northwest Louisiana by educating children and teaching them the importance of body safety. To achieve this goal, the Gingerbread House will present our Knowledge is Power program that provides age-appropriate information to your child. This curriculum has been approved by your school board to be presented in the classroom. For students in second and third grade, we show a video featuring our animated characters Chip and Zoey. This presentation builds on the preschool through first grade presentation by identifying appropriate vs. inappropriate touches as well as effective prevention strategies. Following the video presentation, children learn about their Safety Network and are encouraged to identify the adults in their lives they trust and can turn to when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable. For fourth and fifth grade students, we show an age-appropriate video, which is followed by body safety discussions. Because of the growing occurrence of Internet crimes against children, this presentation also includes a brief dialogue about Internet safety rules and how children can protect themselves against such crimes. Your students at North DeSoto Upper Elementary School will receive this curriculum throughout the week of March 10th – March 14th. If you would like to receive more information about this important body safety program or if you have any questions, please call the Gingerbread House at (318) 674-2900.
Make sure your student is working hard to meet their personal goals. Many of our goals are rewarded by specific student incentives that your child will want to enjoy. Students must earn these incentives to attend.
Altitude Field Trip: Students must meet their personal AR goal at least 3 out of the 4 nine weeks
Raising Canes Field Trip: This is based on AR word count. (½ Million 2nd ¾ Million 3rd and Million 4th/ 5th grade)
Book Bingo: Students must meet their personal AR goal all 4 nine weeks
Glow Party Zearn: Students complete their 2 lessons per week goal for at least 3 out of the 4 nine weeks
Incentive Club: Students must have 85% positive DOJO & NO Referrals to attend. (takes place every 4.5 weeks)
Hot Wheels Skating Field Trip: 95% Dojo & Referral Free for the Year
There are also AR and Zearn prizes for meeting various word count levels and certain numbers of lessons completed. We celebrate these achievments in the gym on Fridays and you will see these students highlighted on our social media pages.
NDUE is selling Spirit Blankets!! The blankets are $35 each ~ CASH ONLY! They are 60x70 in size. All proceeds will be used to fund incentives for students. Blankets are selling fast. Get yours today!
The annual Griffin 5K will be on March 27th at Griffin Stadium. If you want to help through volunteering or sponsorship, please email
Register for the Griffin 5K using the QR Code. NDUE students who register for the 5K can wear athletic wear to school the week of March 24-28.
Facebook: Follow our page: North DeSoto Upper Elementary