The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
North DeSoto Upper Elementary
The vision of North DeSoto Upper Elementary is to: “Provide opportunities for students to achieve their personal best, become responsible and productive members of society, and embrace lifelong learning in a positive environment”.
Fri., Mar. 7 - First Friday Jeans with a $1 donation to Desoto Promise Scholarship
Mon., Mar. 10-Fri., Mar. 14 - Gingerbread House-Knowledge is Power Presentation. (During library time, opt-out forms in the office)
Fri., Mar. 14 - Incentive Club
Mon., Mar. 17 - St. Patrick's Day - Students may wear a green shirt with a uniform bottom
Mon., Mar. 24 - Spring Pictures
Thurs., Mar. 27 - Griffin 5K
Fri., Mar. 28 - Leadership Day
Mon., Mar. 31-Fri., Apr. 4 - Spring Break
Students may wear jeans on the first Friday of the month with a $1.00 donation to the DeSoto Parish Promise Scholarship Fund. Students must turn in their $1.00 on Friday morning to their homeroom teacher.
Make sure your student is working hard to meet their personal goals. Many of our goals are rewarded by specific student incentives that your child will want to enjoy. Students must earn these incentives to attend.
Altitude Field Trip: Students must meet their personal AR goal at least 3 out of the 4 nine weeks
Raising Canes Field Trip: This is based on AR word count. (½ Million 2nd ¾ Million 3rd and Million 4th/ 5th grade)
Book Bingo: Students must meet their personal AR goal all 4 nine weeks
Glow Party Zearn: Students complete their 2 lessons per week goal for at least 3 out of the 4 nine weeks
Incentive Club: Students must have 85% positive DOJO & NO Referrals to attend. (takes place every 4.5 weeks)
Hot Wheels Skating Field Trip: 95% Dojo & Referral Free for the Year
There are also AR and Zearn prizes for meeting various word count levels and certain numbers of lessons completed. We celebrate these achievments in the gym on Fridays and you will see these students highlighted on our social media pages.
NDUE is selling Spirit Blankets!! Students may purchase a blanket in the concession stand before school between 7:15-7:50am. The blankets are $35 each ~ CASH ONLY! They are 60x70 in size. Parents wishing to purchase a blanket may do so in the office during the school day. Students will not be allowed to leave class to purchase a blanket. All proceeds will be used to fund incentives for students. Limited supply ~ First come first serve. Don’t miss out on the softest blanket you will ever own.
Students with perfect attendance for the 2nd semester will be entered into a drawing to win an electric scooter. Come to school every minute of every day from Jan. 8 until the end of the year and your name will be in the drawing for the scooter.
Register for the Griffin 5K using the QR Code. NDUE students who register for the 5k can wear athletic wear to school the week of March 24-28.
Facebook: Follow our page: North DeSoto Upper Elementary